Essential start-up office supplies: The ultimate guide for new business owners
Starting up an office is a challenging process with a lot to think about. It will probably feel overwhelming, stressful and even draining at times. In most cases, a successful outcome makes all these stresses completely worth it – but as you get started, there are some fundamental items you need to kickstart your new venture.
Here is your complete guide to essential office supplies.
First things first, although many people have an aspiration to have a paperless, fully green office, the fact is that technology doesn’t quite cover all our needs (yet). There are some instances where you can’t beat a hard copy on a piece of paper. Stocking up on A4 printer paper is crucial for any successful office. In addition to this you should probably think about note pads or legal pads for your employees. Sticky notes, diaries and calendars are also great for organisation within an office.
Desktop Stationery
You can’t have paper without a pen. In fact, you will probably need a whole array of pens, pencils, highlighters, coloured pens, markers, stamps and ink. Having these will cover all your bases when it comes to writing essentials.
To help your employees fulfil their jobs, some stationery essentials you may want to consider include:
- Pens
- Stapler
- Hole punch
- Pen pots
Office Storage
Having a poorly organised business and office can have negative effects on your workforce and their productivity. By having clear organisational systems and the right equipment, you can reduce or prevent any disruption or negativity entering your business.
Office storage essentials include:
- Lever arch files
- Filing Cabinets
- Lockable cupboards
- Shelving units
- Storage boxes
Office Machines
Having the right office electricals is essential in the 21st century. Having the wrong equipment could set you back and keep you from your potential. The very basic hardware in your office environment should include computers and a computer networking system, a printer and a photocopier and a telephone.
Without these basic machines, your business would struggle to communicate with clients, and employees may be prevented from completing their jobs to the best of their ability. Depending on your company’s business needs, you may require additional electricals as standard, such as:
Fax machines
- Shredders
- Projectors
- Monitors
Office Comforts
To create a productive and positive working environment, employees should feel comfortable whilst they’re working. This will also reduce the risk for repetitive strain injury or any other ailment.
Investing in good, high quality office chairs can reduce the risk of office related injuries or strain. Ergonomic chairs have been proven to help posture, and reduce neck and back pain. By purchasing quality chairs for your staff, you can rest assured that they will last longer, reducing costs in the future. Other ways to reduce the risk of strain and injury can include investing in foot rests, wrist rests, and laptop stands.
Office temperatures can also affect how your employees perform, so it may be beneficial to include heaters or air conditioners to your shopping list. In the summer when the heat gets a little overbearing in the office, desk fans can help to circulate the air and keep employees cool. The temperature has a direct effect on your employees’ health. Offices that are too hot can make people suffer from heat stress, while those working in the cold or irregular temperatures are more likely to get ill.
There are also some basics that can turn your office space into a success. Allowing your employees to have hot drinks and access to kitchen equipment will help them to feel valued, as well as keeping them focused on their job. Basic equipment might include:
- Tea and coffee
- Microwave
- Tea towels
- Washing up liquid
- Toilet roll
The above items can all be classed as office essentials that are required to make your start up business a success. If you provide for your employees, you will not only have a happy workforce, but also one that is more likely to reach their maximum potential.
Whether you’re setting up a new business, or relocating to a brand new office, keep this checklist in mind to ensure your working environment is fit for purpose and geared towards success.