The Perfect Stationery Christmas Gift

The Perfect Stationery Christmas Gift

Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet? There’s always at least one hard to buy for family member or friend. Someone who either has everything or doesn’t want anything, in which case you just have to surprise them and hope for the best…or maybe not!

What does this difficult person like to do?
Are they fond of writing?
Do they love to draw or doodle?
Are they a keeper of secrets, never far from their precious journal?

Perhaps they don’t do any of these things but always arrive at meetings just in the nick of time with a pen sheepishly borrowed from the receptionist, who by the way, is keeping note of all the pens said person has borrowed up until now.

Fabulous stationery - Euroffice


For the Journal Keepers:

How about a Waterman Hemisphere stainless steel fountain pen.

A fountain pen is a great gift for someone who already appreciates the written word. Let’s face it, no one is forced to keep a journal. People keep a journal because they gain satisfaction from documenting their trials and tribulations and they enjoy looking back on them later in life, usually with amusement and amazement at how life since then has changed.

This Waterman with its stainless steel, slim line frame is comfortable to hold and the medium nib creates a line width that most people will be more than satisfied with. The recipient can choose from the convenience of cartridges or use a converter to fill the pen with bottled ink to match their own personal style.

Wouldn’t it be nice to think that in 5 years time they will re-read their entries with not only fond memories of the day but of the pen used and who knows maybe they’ll still be using it.


For the One Who Loves to Draw:

This set of Derwent Academy Watercolour pencils is sure to encourage some creativity.

Both beginners and experienced artists can enjoy using a simple brush stroke of water to bring their picture to life. You could be extra generous and provide them with some good quality drawing paper after all, pencils without paper is like Christmas dinner without turkey.

You might find that after dinner, once drinks have started flowing and the family festivities have truly begun, there will be a certain someone missing – but don’t worry, they’ll be in a quiet spot somewhere testing out their new pencils with pride.

Who knows, perhaps next Christmas you will receive a beautiful watercolour masterpiece that will have pride of place on your wall.


For the Writer:

Every writer needs a pen with an ink flow that can deliver when those fast flowing ideas take hold. Look no further than the Parker IM premium rollerball. This pen oozes style, sophistication and stamina.

This Parker has a weighty feel to it without being uncomfortable so the only thing getting in the way of this writers amazing piece of work will be hunger or writers block, two things that are soon sorted with a Christmas feast and some family fun.

The pen is refillable so the enjoyment of using this Parker IM need never end.


For the One Rushing To and From Meetings:

Nothing says ‘organised is my middle name’ like a Filofax Holborn personal organiser. Instead of bursting into meetings with seconds to spare, your loved one will have time to send you a lovely text whilst having a cuppa, and the slip pockets will comfortably house a pen giving the poor receptionist a break.

With a week over two pages there is plenty of space for even the busiest schedule.

Why not lend a helping hand by adding anniversary dates, birthdays or school concert dates before you gift wrap ensuring home life runs just a smoothly as work life.

Made from Buffalo leather this Filofax can be replenished year upon year making this a gift of organisation that keeps on giving.


These are just a few of our favourite stationery gift ideas we thought might tickle your fancy. If you are a stationery lover yourself, an extra helping of will power may be required whilst wrapping to prevent presents appearing under the tree addressed To Me, From Me’….Shhh!

There is 1 comment for this article
  1. Inksmith at 11:11 am

    I’ve got an aunt that paints watercolours – those pencils sound like something she’d like. Hmm.

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