Giving Back To The Community

Giving Back To The Community

Thanks to a kind Euroffice customer, a bit of fun has turned into goodwill and support for a worthy cause in the community.

To keep us entertained during our #StuckInTheOffice season, we threw down the gauntlet to our Twitter followers: they could enter our #FiveWordChallenge for a chance to win a £50 Marks & Spencer voucher. We asked the fine folks to imagine they were stuck in the office with their CEO. They had only five words to come up with a clever line. Would they have the gumption to speak their mind?


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Clever, eh? Well, we got all sorts of fantastic responses, but our lucky winner was Greg of @GoodFoodguyd with:

When we contacted Greg and told him he’d won the £50 voucher, he surprised us by saying he didn’t want it. No, he had other plans for it.

We were really touched by Greg’s generosity. It reminded us that, apart from the high-profile charities you read about in the paper or see on TV, there are thousands more small organisations and individuals, like Donate Soxs, working to help those in need.

In Greg’s spirit of sharing, we have sent our own stationery care package to Donate Soxs.

(Of course, we couldn’t leave Greg empty handed, so we sent him one of our Euroffice mugs. A hot drink for a warm heart.)

It was a good reminder that SMEs also have a part to play in their communities.

If your company makes or sells products, perhaps you could make donations to organisations that need assistance. That’s the most obvious way of helping. But you could also share your services or expertise with people. Maybe you have top-notch accountants who can answer tricky questions; perhaps you’re a logistics expert who can help a charity sort out their supply chain. The right piece of advice at the right time can make a big difference.

Take a moment to think about the skills and talents you and your colleagues have. Could you help people in need?

However small you think your contribution might be, it will be appreciated.

So here’s to Greg, Donate Soxs and all those who think of other people before themselves. Let’s hope we can live up to your example.

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