The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

People around the country are taking part in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.  You should join in.

The 2013 World’s Biggest Coffee Morning raised £20.5 million.  Think about it; all that kindness, compassion and cash for #charity, simply down to selling drinks and snacks.

But if you don’t have anything prepared, don’t panic. Pop to your local corner shop and pick up some cakes and treats and get your colleagues to make a donation for a nice snack.  The important thing is that we all do something.

You can always experiment with other ideas, like sponsoring the boss to be a tea lady for the day.  Or if you know that there are hidden talents in the office, set up an office auction. People can bid for a colleague to do their nails, sketch their portrait or cook a gourmet meal.

Invite everyone
Send an email out to the entire company.  Or get up the gumption to go to each department and announce the #coffeemorning.

Sell, sell, sell
You can set a price or ask for a suggested donation, but put on your hawker’s hat and get people to eat, drink and be generous.

Make it pretty
Creating a pleasant environment will make the whole event nicer. If you can’t pick up any balloons or bunting, you can always improvise with sticky notes.

And go outside
Why stay in the office?  Try setting up outside to see if you can get passersby to get involved.  If you’re in a business park, knock on doors and get all the other firms to join in.

Finally, let everyone know how much money was raised and post pictures of your donation confirmation.  I remember going to a talk where the speaker gave all the entrance money to an HIV/AIDS charity; it was really good to see that we made a difference.

So what are you waiting for?  The next time you make tea and coffee, make sure it’s part of the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning for #Macmillan Cancer Care.

Can we open the biccies now?…PLEASE!!!!


We’ve written about charity issues before on the blog. Why not have a look?


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    • Euroffice Team at 11:58 am

      Wow that’s a little bit more of a challenge than cake and coffee but i guess every little bit helps, such a worthy and awesome cause.

    • Inksmith at 5:42 pm

      Exactly. And if you can make it easy for people to help, like with the coffee morning, all the better.

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