How To Be Nice To Your Boss
Today is #BossDay, which is a day when staff are supposed to say thanks to their employers.
That’s a neat idea, but here’s a neater idea – why not make every day Boss Day? Saying thanks to your boss isn’t something to save for one date a year, it should be part of your regular working life.
Here are some thoughts on how you can be nice to your boss and make their time at the office – and yours – a bit brighter.
Don’t be afraid to chat to them
When’s the last time you spoke to your boss about something other than business? It can be alienating being in charge, because people keep you at a distance. They don’t want to tick you off, so they won’t engage unless they have to. Just chatting with your boss in the lift, simply treating them normally, can make a difference to their day.
Acknowledge their advice
A good boss should help you progress in your career and offer advice to go along with it. If you find yourself following one of their tips, or remembering something they said when you’re working, let them know the next time you see them.
Give them a gift
Keep an eye out for little things they’d appreciate. Are they interested in a particular hobby? The next time you’re in a charity shop looking for a bargain, see if you can spot a book on the topic. Even if it only costs 50p, they’ll understand the thought that went into it. Everyone likes to get a little gift now and then.
Recognise their commitment
Tell your boss that you appreciate the way they have put in effort on your behalf. Stayed late to read a report you have written, shown interest in some idea that you floated, or simply sat through a presentation that you had laboured over without flinching. Thank them for being on your side.
Don’t forget them on the tea round
If you sit close to your boss’ office, don’t forget them when making tea and coffee for your colleagues. When someone is in a separate office, it’s easy to think they don’t want to be disturbed, but just a knock on the door and the offer of a brew will make them feel included.
Organise a mass celebration
If you really want to push the boat out, you could always organise a company-wide celebration of your boss, complete with MC, gospel choir, mariachi band and adoring staff waving pictures of her or him. You know, like these folks at Net-a-Porter did.
With these tips and a little bit of everyday consideration, your relationship with your boss should run that little bit smoother and, especially in these dark and dank winter months, the office will feel a little bit warmer…Now I’m off to find our lovely CEO, Simon Drakeford….. Bless.
Simon! Do you want a frothy coffee?
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