Confessions of a Stationery Addict
I’m a stationery addict.
Stationery is a useful thing to have around so I don’t see it as a problem. Forget the office store cupboard – my desk is equipped with all the stationery anyone could ever need and more. Some of my stationery habits do occasionally raise a few eyebrows. I can’t think why….
I have 5 diaries …
I know it makes sense to have just one decent diary, and I do have a decent one. My Filofax is my saviour. I use it for keeping track of my work schedule, doctors’ appointments, school trips, birthday parties and that kind of thing.
Then I have what I call my bill book. I keep track of what’s coming in, what’s going out and when. I draw up savings plans for the next holiday or day out, set up a clothing budget for the weddings and birthday parties I’ll be attending and keep a tally of the 50 pence pieces I’ve managed to stash away in my money-box.
I have a To Do diary. Every night I write a list of all the things I want to get done the next day and tick them off as I go along.
I also have a Think Positive diary. Under each date I write something positive. It might be something that made me smile, something new that I learnt that day, a goal I’ve reached or something I’m looking forward to.
Finally I have an empty diary. I haven’t found a use for it yet but it had a really cute picture on the cover and it came with stickers, and it was in the sale so it would have been rude not to buy it.
Do I need five diaries? Of course I do!
I feel sorry for pens
Sometimes I’ll be walking down the street and I’ll see a pen on the ground and I’ll actually feel sorry for it. It will inevitably get trodden on, run over, pee’d on by a dog or something equally as horrific and that makes me feel sad. I’m always in two minds whether to pick it up or not. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It depends if anyone’s watching!
I can’t say no
Nearly every shop I walk into sells stationery of some kind, even clothes shops, making it impossible for me to go home empty handed. I can’t say no. I have to buy at least one thing, even if it’s just a novelty eraser. All this stationery needs somewhere to live so as well as always being on the lookout for stationery, I’m forever looking for cute pencil cases and quirky storage boxes to keep it all in.
Freebie Fan
Businesses often take to the streets, setting up stalls to promote their products or services. I have been guilty of pretending to be interested in enrolling for college and I have shamelessly ooohed and aaahed over cars I’ll never be able to afford all in the name of free stationery samples. Now I just come right out with it, sheepishly explain my stationery obsession and they usually let me have it.
Do you mind?
You’re on a train. After completing the crossword in the newspaper you head to the horoscopes to see what’s in store for you this week. You feel someone’s warm breath on the back of your neck so you whip your head round to find that the woman behind you is leaning right over, reading over your shoulder. You tut, and snap the paper shut. Buy your own…
That woman is me. I was actually trying to get a better look at the pen you were just using. It’s really pretty…
Please tell me that there’s someone out there who can identify with at least one of my confessions. Anybody???
Previously on The Euroffice Blog…
Is Your Business Better Off With Osborne’s Budget?
Fifty Shades of Grey Stationery and Secret Office Kinks
LOL so now I know who it was breathing down my neck on the tube, that was my pilot retractable fountain pen you were ogling 🙂 it lives with me, and like a trusted friend it comes everywhere with me, even if I know I will have no need for a pen…..but I tell myself “you never know” and I just can’t bear to leave it home alone all day. That would be cruelty.
I’d have ‘stationery services’ on my back 😉