The Dos And Don’ts Of Starting a New Job
So you’ve passed the interview and been given an offer. Now you’ve secured the job, it’s time to relax, right? No. It’s time to think about how you can show your boss and colleagues that you are really worth it.
Do Respect Company Culture
It’s your first day on the job. The company you’ve joined has a relaxed dress code, so it’s time to throw on some flip-flops and adjust your shades, right? Wrong. Remember that you’re still new, so even though you’ve got the job you should ease yourself into the company culture over time. You don’t need to be over formal and rock up in a tuxedo, but don’t go full hobo either.
Do Be Courteous
If you’ve joined a company as a supervisor or manager, you might be tempted to step straight into the role and assert your authority. But just because the role gives you seniority doesn’t mean that you have it. You have to earn the respect, trust and the right to tell people what to do. Learn from your new team and let them know that, while you’re the boss, you’re not bossy.
Don’t talk about your ex
Nothing’s more off-putting on a date than hearing someone complain about their ex. Or, even weirder, say how amazing they were. The same goes for being in a new job. No matter how much you loved or loathed your old company, keep discussion about them to a minimum. Swear your allegiance to your new overlords.
Do get to know your colleagues
Networking starts on the day you get to your new office. Be friendly with colleagues and chat to people in the office kitchen and while waiting for a lift. Bring doughnuts or treats in on a Friday; go for a coffee or drinks with your team and other people in the office. You could even get involved on the firm’s intranet and messageboards. Be genuinely interested in people and you’ll make friends and do your career a lot of good.
Don’t fall into old habits
When we’ve been with a firm for a while, we can fall into bad habits. Perhaps that’s taking five minutes too long at lunch, browsing Facebook during a quiet period, or cracking silly jokes to lighten the mood. When you land your new job, try to avoid returning to your old ways for as long as you can. Be punctual, be diligent and behave.
Don’t assume you know it all
You’ve landed the job, so you must have all the answers. Not quite. Companies hire people not just for what they know now, but also for where that knowledge will take them. Yes, you should share your insight and expertise with your new employer, but you must also be ready to learn from them too. Let them help you make the best of your career.
Do get involved and ask for feedback
A sure way to better yourself and become an essential part of the company, is to show that you want to learn and that you respect your colleagues’ expertise. Put yourself forward for challenging projects and speak up in meetings, but always ask for people’s honest feedback, so you can improve how you work and address any shortcomings you might have.
Don’t hide from the boss
Have you ever felt like you’re winging it? That somehow everyone else in the office seems smarter and you’ll be discovered? Don’t worry, we all feel like that sometimes. A seemingly easy way to deal with these thoughts is to hide from your new boss, because you don’t want to be found out. But that’s a recipe for disaster. Manage your manager. Keep them updated on project progress and deadlines. They’ll be more secure in their new appointment (you) and you’ll feel more secure in your new job.