7 Signs You Are A Stationery Addict
Do you appreciate a good pen when you see one? Is your planner highlighted to the max and full of stickers? Do you like to round off the weekly food shop with a sneaky peek down the stationery isle? Did you buy life insurance just so you could get a free Parker pen? If you answered yes to any of those questions – you may be a stationery addict.
Still in denial? Read these 7 signs of a stationery addict just to be sure ….
I’ll Take Them All
You notice the shop has very kindly left out a tester pad for their huge range of pens. They must have known you were coming. You use up all of the paper except one sheet, which you only left there out of politeness. After finding a really nice pen, you still can’t decide which colour ink you like best. You leave the shop clutching one of each colour, pretending to feel guilty about your little spending spree. You’re not fooling anyone. You knew right from the start that you’d be buying them all.
Just a Quick Note to Say ….
Birthdays, weddings, new babies, house warming, they all mean one thing …. No, not parties…. Cards! You have a whole stack of them, for every occasion imaginable and you’re not afraid to use them. You like to be there when your cards are opened because you just know you’ll be complimented on your beautiful handwriting – Oh really? I don’t think it’s that neat … Calligraphy class? No I’ve never been to one in my life…. Fibber!
I’ll Pencil it in my Diary
Who says that? No one pencils things in their diaries anymore. That’s what smartphones are for….
And then there’s you … whipping out your planner, your favourite pen and a highlighter (because colour coding is your thing) flicking through to the right date, jotting down all the details and then sticking a glittery star beside the entry just for fun.
Reminder alarms – Pah, who needs em?
Easy to Buy For
If your friends and family find gift shopping stressful, it’s definitely not because of you. You receive the same thing every Christmas and birthday but unlike your Dad who gives thanks for his socks and handkerchiefs and then shoves them in the drawer feeling a little underwhelmed, you can barely contain your excitement. It’s stationery again! What else?
Shopping for you is easy.
Handwriting Help
Forget Van Gogh or Monet. In your eyes, great art comes in the form of handwriting. Once you’ve finished ogling manuscripts of classic literature on google images you turn your attention to the handwriting of those around you.
Always one to ‘help’ those in need, you go out of your way to recommend the perfect pen for their needs and if rather than telling you to mind your own business, someone actually takes your advice and produces neater handwriting as a result you feel so proud to have been able to help.
Back to School
It’s the summer holidays so that can mean only one thing. Back to school stationery deals. You love browsing the shops for special offers. A brand new pencil case filled with all of the back to school essentials you could ever need has you longing for September, when you’ll fill your backpack with all of your brand spanking new stationery that is sure to make all of your friends jealous.
Hang on a minute, it’s been how many years since you left school???
Take Note
What’s the deal with all the notebooks? You already have so many and even though you know it would take a lifetime to fill the ones you already have, you keep buying more. You rarely see a notebook through, flitting from one to another depending on which one takes your fancy that day. Are you surprised that you can never find those notes, the ones you know you’ve written down … somewhere… in a notebook… but which one?
Are you a stationery addict? Are there any stationery items you simply can’t live without?
Previously on The Euroffice Blog…
10 Ways to Get Your Kids Writing