What It’s Like Working at Euroffice

What It’s Like Working at Euroffice

Euroffice turns 15-year-old on Saturday 15th November.

That’s over 5,475 days of providing people with stationery and office supplies. But have you ever wondered what it’s like actually working at Euroffice?

Well, we’ve got the answer.

We sat down with Euroffice’s longest-standing employee, our Head of Operations Simon Shaw, and asked him a few questions about his time at the company.

Simon has seen the company grow and change up-close since 2005, and his enthusiasm hasn’t wavered in his decade of stationery and office supplies-related adventures. He dusted off old memories to tell us a few stories:

When did you start working at Euroffice? What was your role when you were hired?
My first day at Euroffice was Monday 4th April 2005. I started as the company’s Customer Service Manager with a team of three.

Do you remember your first day at the office? Were you nervous?
Coming from a very large corporation, I sat at my desk and wondered what the heck I had done. Was this the right choice? In 2005, Euroffice was located in a VERY small office in Vauxhall with seven other people. On my first day, I was taking calls from customers despite not knowing how to use the systems. Time sure flew that day, but I knew I had made the right decision. I haven’t looked back since.

How has the company changed since you first started?
The Internet is a different place today than it was in 2005, and that’s just the start. Websites have changed, and so have our systems. Keeping up with technology has been an exciting and rewarding challenge. No two days are the same, and our entire team, whether it’s our Customer Service Agents, our Accountants, or IT Developers, move mountains week after week.

Our offices have also moved from Vauxhall to Liverpool Street Station. I remember sitting down with Simon Drakeford, Euroffice’s CEO, looking at where our next home should be and starting the search for a new office space. We were excited to make a change, and it’s been a fantastic move for the company as a whole.

What do you like most about working here?
I love the fact that the business is always changing. We should be proud of where we come from and excited about what’s around the corner. As a business that’s always looking to grow and change, new opportunities come up every day. We’re not content with always doing the same “stuff”: we want to grow as people and learn new things that will empower us in the future.

What’s your best memory of your time at Euroffice?
Finding the Dome House, the building where our offices are currently located. It was a wet and cold day when I walked into the building, which was very different from what it is today. The walls were dark, there were no lights on, and I stood in the reception lobby, looking at the stairwell going up to the first floor. Then a ray of sunlight came in through the Dome and shone down on the stairs, and I knew we had to have it. It felt right.

A lot of work went into making the Dome House what it is today. I feel proud to work here, and I love what the last 10 years have meant to me. We’ve had some downs like all companies, but some great ups too, and a lot of them. I could also mention the nights out, but I don’t really remember them past 10:30pm most times, both age and alcohol contributing to this. We all work very hard day in day out, but we love what we do, and we want to keep doing it 15 years from now.

How would you describe Euroffice in one word?
Infectious. (In a good way.)

Thank you, Simon! We hope you’re relaxing on a beach with cherry cupcake in your hand as we speak – you’ve given the company so much over the years, and you deserve to celebrate in style.

Happy 15th Birthday, Euroffice!

There is 1 comment for this article
  1. Inksmith at 11:34 am

    It’s always cool to read stories about how businesses start out. The hopes and fears of the launch, the early offices and wonder about the future… Thankfully it all came right in the end.

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