Need a little help with Christmas card messages?
It’s December… That means it’s time to consult your Christmas card list (or make one!) and begin the task of card writing.
Are you one of those people who sets aside an hour for card writing and find it actually takes up your whole evening? Why?
Could it be that you have trouble thinking of the right words?
It can be difficult writing an appropriate message for the right person so we thought we’d offer some inspiration with a few lines of own.
For your Boss/Manager
Unless your boss is also a friend of yours it’s probably best to keep it simple and not too personal. You don’t want to come across as too familiar but at the same time there’s no harm in a subtle reminder that you are a hard worker and care about doing a good job.
After such an exciting and successful year at (insert company name) I’m looking forward to 2015 bringing us more of the same. I wish you and your family a wonderful fun filled Christmas.
For your Co-worker
The work colleague dilemma: Do you send a card to your closest colleagues only or do you write a card to everyone in the office, running the risk of offending that one person you will inevitably forget? You could write just one card addressed to all and hang it on the staff room wall.
It’s been a pleasure working with you, thanks for all your support throughout the year. I hope you have a fabulous Christmas and may the New Year at the office be just as fun as the last.
For your Friend
Our friends are the ones we turn to when we need a good old moan, a bit of a gossip or some seriously painful belly laughs so let’s show our friends some appreciation.
Merry Christmas. The only reason I’m still sane after the Christmas shopping, the hours of wrapping, the school holidays, the cooking and the in laws is because I have amazing friends like you. Have a good one.
Have fun personalising this one to reflect your own experiences of the run up to Christmas.
For your Family
Christmas presents and parties aside, having your family around makes Christmas feel so much more special. It’s a time to catch up with relatives you haven’t seen for a while, fight with your siblings like the good old days and just let your hair down and enjoy each other’s company.
With family as wonderful as you, I know that love, laughter and fun is something I can count on all year round, not just on Christmas Day. Have a very Merry Christmas and I hope the New Year brings everything you hope for and more.
For your Neighbour
Most people only send cards to neighbours they actually speak to and like but if you’ve just moved in, a Christmas card is a great way to introduce yourself. Don’t worry if you don’t know their names, address it to all at number xx. If your neighbour regularly takes in your mail or brings your washing in when it rains then now is a good time to let them know you appreciate their efforts.
Merry Christmas (insert neighbours name here). Your kind gestures throughout the year have been much appreciated. Best wishes to you and your family for the New Year.
You could swap ‘kind gestures’ for something relevant to your particular neighbour to give the greeting more of a personal touch.
These greetings add a little something extra to the usual ‘Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’ letting the recipient know that some thought has gone into writing their card.
If you have a favourite Christmas card greeting of your own we’d love to hear them.