Is Your Business Prepared For Winter?
#WinterIsComing, so it’s time for the annual Euroffice severe weather warning.
Each year, we remind SMEs to get ready for bad weather in the winter months. I’m sure many people will have done their homework, but I’m also sure we’ll still see news stories about snow affecting the economy, commuters stranded by roadsides and businesses having to shut down.
Get Your Heating Checked
If your heating system hasn’t been checked in a while, it might be prudent to call a professional in to have a look. Spending a bit more money now, for example by lagging water pipes so they don’t freeze, might save an even more expensive emergency call out and a closed office later.
Stock Up On Snacks
Being prepared for bad weather isn’t just about the practical, it’s about the emotional. On a miserable day, it’s comforting to have a hot drink and a biscuit, or even a nice hot mug of soup. Your office kitchen should always be well-stocked with heart and hand-warming treats.
Buy Lamps and Plants
We’ve written before about how lack of light is related to Seasonal Affective Disorder, AKA Winter Blues. Don’t let your office get too dark; make sure it’s well lit, ideally using daylight-style bulbs. Also get some perennial plants around so there’s greenery and signs of natural life.
Emergency Kits for Cars
Employees that drive to work should have emergency supplies in the car in case they get stranded. These include a shovel, snow chains, sleeping bag, food and water, a reflective jacket, gloves, emergency signs, and a change of clothes. (Another tip is to have a spare pair of socks; put them over your shoes for grip if you need to push your car.)
Grit Entrances and Exits
Don’t let customers or staff slip on your premises or have vehicles slide into one another. Make sure areas that collect water and slush are gritted and have warning signs. Set up a rota to check and clean these areas a few times each day.
Have a Back-up Plan for Staff
Would you be able to cope if key staff couldn’t make it in the office? You need to think about that now, before you have to deal with it at short notice. Figure out how to run with a skeleton staff, and do your best to make sure people can work from home and share projects with colleagues that can make it into the office.
Don’t let Jack Frost nip your toes. If you follow these tips, you might be able to nip his instead. Good luck!
Wend your way to these other winter blogs from Euroffice: