Business Start-Up Stationery Essentials
Got a new business? Then get yourself kitted out with these stationery essentials.
You’ve done all the strategic planning, but there are a thousand and one things to think about when you’re a startup business. So we’ve put together a checklist of 10 office essentials to get you up and running.
1. Pens
The trusty ballpoint, the four-colour, the neon highlighter, the Sharpie – there’s a pen for every task. (And swish fountain pens for signing business documents.)
2. Pencils
You may think that pencils are for the classroom, but they’re also a terrific aid to thought. Chewing a pencil can help you to sort out knotty business problems.
3. Paper
Papyrus was the original eco-friendly paper. So why not choose recycled paper for your business – and tell your customers about your green credentials?
4. Stapler
Standard or heavy duty – it’s the object of so many people’s affections in the office that someone’s invented a game for a playing with a virtual stapler.
5. Scissors
For tackling difficult packages that you can’t tear open. But more seriously, you can buy ambidextrous scissors, and even special pairs for the first aid kit.
6. Notepads
Spiral, wirebound, jotters, perforated, narrow ruled? Choose the one most suited to your work. Euroffice tip: number and date notepads to track back work easily.
7. Diary
So much more practical than a digital diary. Whether it’s a week to view or a day to a page, your diary helps you to keep abreast of your tasks and to-do lists.
8. Lever Arch Files
High-capacity filing for the start-up business, and available in sharp colours to liven up the office. You can even get lever arch files in oblong landscape format.
9. Envelopes
Envelopes may be the most throw-away of stationery items, but they help to make a good first impression for business correspondence. So pick wisely.
10. Calculators
If finance or accounting takes up a lot of your day, then a printing calculator or one with currency conversion will surely speed up things for you.
Now, armed with your start-up kit of office supplies, you’re all set to do business!
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