The Rules Of Office Toilet Etiquette

The Rules Of Office Toilet Etiquette

Today is #WorldToiletDay.

While the concept sounds a bit funny, toilet etiquette does actually affect our daily office life.

#WorldToiletDay also happens to address an important global issue. According to the UN, 2.5 billion people don’t have access to improved sanitation, and one billion still have to go to the loo in the open.

We might take our facilities for granted, but let’s treat them with the respect they deserve. Here are some tips on how to behave when in the smallest room in the house, or the most embarrassing room in the office.

1. Enjoy washing your hands. The posher your office, the fancier the soap. Why not take advantage of all that fragrance to give your hands a mini bubble bath of their own?

2. Try not to use your phone while sitting on the throne. Yes, you’ve got important calls to make and breaking news to tweet, but treat your bio break as a chance to disconnect from technlogy for a few minutes.

3. If male colleagues have targeting problems, give them something to aim at. You can buy little stickers in the shape of things like insects, footballs and spaceships to place inside the bowl. Yes, all men are big kids in disguise.

4. Do use air freshener, but don’t spray it around like a trainee hairdresser trying to fix a client’s Barnet. Get one with a subtle scent and just give the ceiling a little shush. The room will be nice and fresh for other people.

5.  Before you try to push open a cubicle door, have a look at the lock to see if it’s occupied. You don’t want to create any awkward encounters. Better safe than sorry.

Let’s be thankful for our office loos and treat them, and the colleagues that use them, with the proper social graces.


Office life can be tricky. We’ve got more advice:

There are 3 comments for this article
  1. AAbu at 6:33 pm

    I lived with a girl and I got tired cleaning after her. Hair everywhere, makeup spots everywhere.
    I thought girls are clean.

  2. Helen K at 7:33 pm

    We need some of those stickers at home too, living with the male of the species can be a bit gross at times.

    • Inksmith at 3:46 pm

      Yes, they’re worth investigating. I read somewhere they also cut down on cleaning times and costs, perhaps for bars and restaurants. Not the nicest thing to think about, but if it works…

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