Happy Birthday Colin Firth – Top Diaries
So Colin Firth, AKA Mr Darcy, AKA King George VI, turns 54 today. In honour of one of his most famous roles in #BridgetJonesDiary, we thought we’d look at some #diaries.
Now, I’m a big film nut and am pretty good at finding out facts about movies, but I’m stumped as to what brand of diary Firth bought Renée Zellweger in the last scene. So we’ll see what we can come up with instead.
This looks quite similar to the one Bridget gets at the end of the film. And don’t forget that a red diary makes a statement: it stands out on a desk and it’s the colour of passion.
For something a bit more subtle, but still with a hint of colour, this Black N’ Red diary is what you need. I also like the elastic band that fits around it. It protects any loose notes from falling out and acts as a little deterrent to prying eyes.
I’m a big fan of Pukka pads (am I allowed to show favouritism?) and because this doesn’t look like a diary, it actually makes an excellent one. You can leave it lying about and nobody’s going to bother peeking at it.
If you’re less of a Bridget Jones and more of a Frank Underwood (from Kevin Spacey’s #HouseofCards), this academic diary looks sufficiently imposing and should allow for some serious political plotting.
Finally, if you want a diary for when you’re travelling or out on the weekend, this is a great option. Soft and flexible, it’s an elegant way to record your thoughts on an autumnal Sunday with a coffee by your side.
Do you think Bridget Jones would approve of our diary selection? Can you imagine Colin Firth rocking up to the red carpet with one of these under his arm? Let us know in the comments.
The Silvine would be my first choice. My sons school uses Silvine exercise books and they are pretty good!
For work I prefer a digital diaries but for personal use I love the good old paper kind. Best diary for busy office has to be the day per page view type and
I recommend the frixion pens to use with any paper diary as it keeps things nice and neat when alterations need to be made.