Go Home On Time Day

Go Home On Time Day

Today is Go Home On Time Day, a day when you should be leaving your office… on time!

The day is part of #NationalWorkLifeWeek, an event created by Working Families (WF), a charity focusing on #WorkLifeBalance issues.

We’ve written before about how important it is to have a good work-life balance. It’s too easy to feel chained to one’s desk these days because of targets and deadlines, but time away from the workplace actually boosts productivity in the long run.

Amusingly, psychologists these days are themselves complaining about having worklife balance issues – and these are the very people who are telling us to get out of the office. More seriously, research suggests that putting in long hours can increase the risk of heart attack.

You can see why Working Families wants you to go home on time.  But it also wants you to share your #GoHomeOnTimeDay experience on social media. Using the hashtags #WhatWillYouBeDoing and #GHOTD, let the us the world know whether you’ll be relaxing with your friends, pottering about the flat, or hugging your kids.

So, you’ve got a decision to make. Look at the clock and see how long it is before your working day ends officially. Then think about how many extra unofficial hours you’ll be stuck at your desk.

For one day, just one, can you take control and go home on time?


If you want to know more about work-life balance issues, you might be interested in these other Euroffice blogs:

There are 4 comments for this article
  1. Pingback: Are These The World’s Worst Commutes? | Euroffice Stationery Blog
  2. Anonymous at 11:58 am

    Well, I will definitely be going home on time today…in fact i took a work from home day. 🙂
    Sofa Strategist LOL

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