SUMMER IS HERE – “Don’t be Stationery”
Summer is finally here. Beer gardens are full to the brim, legs are out in force, and the sweet smell of freshly cut grass is quickly becoming our new favourite scent.
And for many of us the summer season means holiday season, which in turn means #selfie season. Our social accounts will soon be filled with photos of stunning beaches and ‘hot dog’ legs.
Being stuck at work and having your friends and colleagues email and message you pictures of their holiday is pretty depressing.
“Here’s one of me by the pool. Oh and here’s another one. And another.”
So we’ve been thinking here at Euroffice. Rather than turning into green jealous monsters after seeing yet another holiday selfie, we’re going to make sure we make the most of the summer, even when we’re stuck in the office. And that’s when we came up with the idea of ‘Don’t be Stationery’!
‘Don’t be Stationery’
Is exactly what it says – the idea is to get out of the office stop being stationary at our desks and get active to make the most of your working summer and ensure it’s a memorable one.
Many of us have very busy working lives and don’t have the time to enjoy a full lunch break to make the most of the local area and facilities. But that’s when the ‘Don’t be Stationery Mantra’ should kick in. It’s time to go exploring and make everyone on holiday jealous of what you’re doing back home!
To get everyone into the swing of summer we’ve got lots of blogs coming up and plenty of ideas to inspire you to go outside and get active. The twist is to do so with your stationery. So why not play catch with a rubber band ball? Or you could have paper airplane competitions and perhaps for the more creative, you could even make your own stationery archery!
Remember to keep an eye out for our social competitions and giveaways. Get ready to practice making paper airplanes for our upcoming #EuroPlanes competition which includes plenty of great prizes, so watch our Twitter and Facebook space for more info!
Whatever you decide to do this summer, make sure you’re not stationary with your stationery!