Dear Office Diary – Winter is Coming
Dear Office Diary,
Well, I am no longer the only one #StuckInTheOffice … everyone else is back from their summer break now and Post-Holiday Depression (PHD) is rife. Not only that, but the seasons have definitely changed – the days are cooler and the evenings unmistakably darker.
Instead of fighting over the air-conditioning, people are arguing about whether we should turn the heating on. Lunch breaks are now a case of dodging the rain showers – no more sunbathing in the park, that’s for sure…
Just knowing what to wear into the office each day is hard work. Will it be unseasonably warm again? It might rain on the way to the train station! Will the air-conditioning be on or will today be the day we crank up the heating?
At first, I felt a little bit dismal about the approach of the colder, darker season … but I’ve realised now that there’s actually a lot to be happy about this winter!
For starters – there’s not much we can really get out and do when it’s raining and cold, so we might as well spend our time in the office. At least it’s warm in here!
Sure, we can’t eat our lunch out in the park now but lunch options have changed altogether. Instead of salad everyday there are soups and stews, pies and hotpots … the list goes on! Each of them warm and deliciously wintery.
I really enjoyed my daily iced coffee amidst the heat waves of summer, but now something bigger and better has arrived with the turn of the seasons … none other than the one, the only Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks! Why drink regular coffee when you can drink coffee infused with the sweetness of pumpkin pie?
Of course dashing out into the rain to pick up hot soup and spicy lattes means that being equipped with the right winter clothing is an absolute must. Bring on warm cosy sweaters and heavy wool coats, not to mention beautiful boots and accessories. My favourite winter item is a sturdy, yet fun, umbrella. After all, this is the accessory which tends to come in handy most often! My favourite umbrella was a highlighter pink number with a cat face, including whiskers, and pointy little ears. Yes, an umbrella with ears – why not?!
However you get through winter is up to you, but looking on the bright side during the long, cold months isn’t as hard as it seems! With your cosy winter woollies on, a Pumpkin Spice Latte in hand and an outrageous umbrella over your head, winter won’t know what hit it!
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