Create and Decorate your Whiteboard!
Here at Euroffice we aren’t just dreaming of a white Christmas, but we are also dreaming of whiteboards this Christmas and how we can get crafty with them!
So we’ve teamed with the great people over at Bi-Office to show you how you can add creativity to your offices, workspaces and homes.
Frame it!
Such a simple and effective idea, which can integrate a whiteboard into your fancy office or home without making it look out of place.
Make it a Feature Wall
This fantastic playroom idea is our idea of a dream! It’s a great way to allow some controlled creative mischief without damaging the paint work. We’ve also seen this idea work really well in creative agencies and offices where a mind map or two is always happening.
Accessorise, darling!
For those of us who are of the fashionable persuasion, you will know that it’s all about the accessories.
Decorate your whiteboards with sticky type, matching note books and pen holders. If you really want to go all of the way, why not spice up your board rubber as well?
Organise to Prioritise
As we’ve mentioned in our previous post, a tidy work space can help you keep a tidy mind, so we recommended you segregate sections of your white board with tape to help keep certain areas subject specific and allow you to fully utilise your whiteboard. It’s also a great way to stop teams wasting and under appreciating their white board space, which as every office knows, is sacred.
Hide and Seek
Anyone who works in sales or finance will tell you that sometimes, you just keep what’s on your whiteboard to yourself, and this homemade cabinet idea work’s wonders for making a tidy storage cover for your whiteboard making it look extra professional! Swish huh?