How to Choose the Perfect Pen
Bad pen choices happen from time to time. You see a pen you like the look of, you buy it, you try it, ooops, you don’t like it so you bin it or give it away. It’s only when you come across a pen you’re completely incompatible with that you realise the smallest details can make a big difference to your #penjoyment.
By having a good idea of what it is you want from a pen you can avoid any future ‘ooops!’ moments and live life in stationery bliss.
Step One: Decide on the type of pen you like best
Each of the following pens will provide you with a completely different writing experience ranging from how they feel on paper, the wetness of the ink to the effect they can have on your handwriting.
The ballpoint pens use a thick, oil based ink, well known for being quick to dry and suitable for most writing surfaces. A reasonable amount of pressure needs to be applied whilst writing in order to get the best ink flow results. These pens can sometimes be a bit skippy but a quick scribble will soon put it right. The ink in a ballpoint is likely to last longer than any other pen.
These are very similar to ballpoints in the way they work, only the thinner ink flows more freely, feels smoother on paper and requires less pressure whilst writing which reduces the chances of tired, aching hands. The ink in a Rollerball can take a few seconds longer to dry, but once it’s dry it can have a similar appearance on paper as the ink from a fountain pen.
Gel Pens
The Gel Pens are great for dark or shiny surfaces typically used for crafting activities as well as ordinary paper. The ink looks similar to that of a Rollerball but tends to dry faster.
Fountain Pens
The faithful fountain pens have a way of slowing you down slightly and the extra care taken is often evident in the improved appearance of your handwriting. These pens feel luxuriously smooth when used on the right paper and provide you with a continuous ink flow. Many fountain pen users consider the longer drying times due to the thinner ink well worth the wait. As well as cartridges there is a huge selection of bottled inks to choose from so you can really personalise your pen.
Step Two: Decide how thick you like your pen lines
Have a think about what you’ll be using your pen for.
Fine point
Fine writing pens are great if you have small handwriting and want your writing to remain clear and easy to read. Fine detail drawings, sketches or technical drawings are best suited to a fine point pen.
Medium point pens are great all rounders for those everyday writing tasks.
If you have large handwriting, draw diagrams, charts, do a lot of brainstorming, you may opt for a bold point pen to ensure your lines stand out.
Step Three: Refillable or Disposable?
Do you want a pen for keeps or are you happy to chuck it in the bin once it’s empty and simply replace it?
People used to opt for disposables because they could carry them around without the worry of losing them, knowing that the cost of a replacement would be low. But times have changed, now everyone knows that you can buy a refillable ‘budget’ pen for around the same price, getting better value for money and often a better pen whilst doing their bit for the environment….. Don’t they?
Step Four: What do you want to pen to look and feel like?
If you are looking for a pen that looks smart, suitable to work type environment, or you simply fancy showing off with some swanky stationery then a metal bodied pen may be the one for you. With a metal pen, imperfections from a small drop or heavy usage can add to a pens character rather than spoil its appearance in way that makes it appear tatty and worn.
Couldn’t give two hoots over what other people think about your pen? You’ll probably find that a plastic pen meets your needs perfectly. It’s what’s inside that counts and as long as the pen contains a decent ink refill you’re good to go. Plastic pens feel lighter in the hand, are often equipped with a grip for added comfort but are at greater risk of cracks or breakages.
Both type of pens will be available in a huge range of colours and designs at Euroffice so whatever your personality, there is a design out there perfect for you.
Step Five: How the pen works
Are you a serial clicker? Always loosing pen lids? Twist and write more your style?
How you access your ink may not be the most pressing thing on your mind when choosing a pen but might be worth a few seconds of consideration.
A pen lid is easy to lose but it also has its uses. Posting the lid onto the end of the pen gives you the option of altering the balance and feel of the pen. Also, a borrowed pen minus the lid is much more likely to be returned to you. I wouldn’t bother keeping a lid-less pen, would you?
The clicky button may be your favourite boredom buster, careful though, there’s only so much click clicking the spring inside will take before it warps in an act of revenge, leaving your pen useless.
The twist mechanism is usually found in metal pens and is generally a more reliable and durable way of revealing the pens tip than the clicky button.
Step Six: What are you prepared to pay?
Are you looking for quality or quantity?
Would you rather buy one good quality pen to have and to hold from this day forward? I do?
If the idea of commitment sends you running for the hills, a selection of different pens for different occasions will perhaps calm your nerves.
So that’s how we like to go about choosing our perfect pens.
My personal favourite is a fine point rollerball, with a metal body which uses the twist mechanism – and I’m happy to pay more money for one decent pen I can rely on…..What’s yours?
Great tips, Janine.