Treat Yourself And Your Office On Cherry Pie Day
It’s #CherryPie Day, so we thought we’d tempt you with some luscious, cerise-themed items for your office.
We all love our gadgets, whether we’re surfing the web on the latest tablet or smashing candy crush on our smartphones, devices are never far from our reach. So for those of you that have a deep passion for your tablet, why not treat it with the love it deserves. A red leather case will help protect it from scratches and knocks and with its soft leather touch it will be a match made in Heaven.
Are you the messy type with papers and pens scattered everywhere, post it notes stuck to monitors and a stack of books towering over you? If yes, then why not consider a cherry red magazine rack file – perfect for colour coding work awaiting approval.
Give your desk something else to be pleased about and do yourself a favour at the same time. We know how frustrating it is when you pop away from your desk for 5 minutes and return to find someone’s nicked your favourite pen! Warn colleagues to stay clear from your stationery collection with the red desk tidy. A flaming desk tidy will keep all your thingummies neatly in one place and will alert those who try to pinch your pencils or poach your paperclips.
But what could be nicer than making your desk tidy happy with a set of colour-matching pens? Choose the pick of the crop – a crimson retractable ballpoint pen. It has a visible ink level and a comfy rubber grip. All the better to write heartfelt notes to your secret love in the office.
When it comes to writing, or reading documents, do you often find that you’ve made scribbles in the margins but forgotten where they are? Save yourself the time and trouble of searching with these vivid red index flags. They’re easy to write on and can be positioned over and over again so you’re never lost for words.
If the creative juices have been flowing and you’re in the midst writing a masterpiece of a presentation, you’ve probably also got a bin full of drafts and paper. Imagine if everyone in the office was as prolific – a mountain of waste paper adding up every day. So spruce up the collection process with a standout red wheelie bin – who said bins have to be boring?
Keeping an office safe and tidy is quite a task. Take a look at your office management files and manuals to see if they’re up to date and in good health. It may be a good idea to group instructions and reference materials in dedicated files, so people can find them easily. Choose a bright red ring binder for all your fire safety instructions. Better safe than sorry.
You can brighten up your cleaning chores, too, and cut down on the elbow grease. This crimson duo mop bucket has two sections allowing you to clean and rinse in one smooth operation. With a total capacity of 15 litres, it gives you plenty of scope to swoop around without having to refill. Talk about the bucket list.
Or if you’re not keen on gallons of water, try this spray and mop system in sparkling red. It’s an ingenious system, with the cleaning solution in the handle and 3D microfibre pads to get into nooks and crannies. You’ll be able to clean those laminate and parquet floors too. It’s a clean sweep.
If you run on caffeine through the working day, then why not try a relaxing alternative? This ruby fruit and aronia tea is caffeine free. It’s full of the goodness of hibiscus and rosehip and other berries. And it’s organic and Fairtrade as well. That should make you feel better and virtuous to boot.
Of course, sometimes you just need the buzz and the extra energy. When you skipped breakfast and sat through meetings and the coffee machine has decided to play up, it’s time for a pick me up with a Red Bull. That should energise you enough to fly through the rest of the day.
And what’s the best way to end a hard day at the office? When you get home, kick off your shoes, raid the fridge for some vanilla ice cream and treat yourself to a hot, sweet, scrumptious slice of cherry pie. It tastes so good, it makes a grown man cry.