Essential Items For Your PA Survival Kit
Whether you’re a #PA or an #EA you’ll need these items ASAP
Every personal and executive assistant has their own tips and tricks for managing the day and making everything run smoothly. So what are the office #survivalkit items that clever PAs And EAs have stashed away in their top drawer?
If someone hires an assistant, it’s because their days are so full, so complex, that they can’t keep track of everything. They need an expert to run things for them. That’s why a PA’s number one essential office accessory is a diary. (And, unlike a phone or a laptop, it can’t run out of juice, leaving you in the lurch.)
All the permanence of a regular pen, but with the flexibility of being able to rub out mistakes. But unlike with a pencil, you’re not left with unsightly bits of grime and rubber to dust off your skirt, instead the ink just fades away.
You don’t cry over spilt milk, but if your boss does – they can be a wee bit temperamental – then use these tissues to deal with the tears and the spill. Or just keep them for yourself for that coffee and sticky pastry breakfast combo.
‘Would you like a mint?’ A simple question that’s actually a subtle command: ‘You need one of these before you go into that meeting’. Try to remember that while you are always immaculately turned out with fresh breath, those around you might not be so composed.
Everyone loves chocolate, whether that’s guests to the office – children of guests to the office – or colleagues who want to sneak a treat at lunchtime. A nice choccie is a PA’s secret weapon for putting people in a good mood.
Sometimes, despite all your expertise and talent, things go wrong. So find time for a pick-me-up in the office. Treat yourself to a soothing cup of Earl Grey – its light, refreshing aroma will help to lift your spirits and ready yourself for the next challenge.
A copy of Working Girl
This classic 80s comedy-drama is about a PA who makes it to the top of her company, snagging (a young) Harrison Ford along the way and deposing a horrible boss who tried to steal her ideas. Justice.
Are you a PA or EA? Let us know your tips and tricks in the comments blow. What items would you add to a survival kit?
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