Mount Up For Bike To Work Day

Mount Up For Bike To Work Day

It’s Bike To Work Day (BTWD) and we’re encouraging our customers to mount up, get fit and make friends.

#BikeToWorkDay is all about getting people excited to start cycling again – making it part of their daily routine and perhaps even taking it into their personal life too.

According to the Cyclists’ Touring Club, 8% of the UK population cycle three or more times a week; that’s about 4.6 million of us.  It’s a good start, but I think there’s room for improvement, if only for the health benefits.

The NHS recommends adults and older people do 2hrs 30m moderate exercise per week.  Cycling is great for this because it’s easy on the joints (and will help tone your legs and bottom).   Plus, hey, it saves money on petrol and public transport.

So what do you need before you take part in Bike To Work Day?

Is Your Bike Ready to Ride?

Concerned that your cycle hasn’t been used in a long time? Just do a little safety check before you ride out into the wilderness.   If you’re unsure about whether the bike is ready, pop down to your local bike shop for help and advice.

Wear a Helmet And Ride Safely

Yes, you might look a bit dorky – but you’ll be much safer wearing a helmet.  A wobble on your bike could mean that you take a tumble and get a knock to your noggin (plus a bruised ego).

When you are cycling, ride safely.  We’ve found a video that gives you simple tips (and you should always wear something bright and reflective at night).


Organise Office Outriders

To really get into the spirit of BTWD, don’t ride alone.  Encourage your co-workers to saddle up and hit the road with you.

Gather all the office cyclists together and figure out what routes you all take and the times you ride. Next, pick a local landmark for everyone to meet up at on the way to work

Getting there early might mean that you have to wait a few minutes for your colleagues to arrive, but it will allow you to ride as a group and look out for each other as you roll to the office.  I’m sure the boss will forgive you a moment’s lateness in the name of exercise and team building.

For Office Workers in London

Facing a long and complex commute to central London? Does the thought of bringing your cycle all that way seem a bit daunting?  Hop on a Boris Bike.

Boris bikes are great for Bike To Work Day because you can just pick one up and ride off.  As a bonus, they also give you a chance to make BTWD a regular event.  Set up monthly lunchtime rides, then persuade everyone at work to go for a spin around the local area.

You can use the Transport for London website to find your nearest bike docking station and see how many cycles are left at each one.  Then all you have to do is wander down, choose a route and set off.   How easy is that?

Keep on Riding For Yourself

If you want to ride regularly for pleasure, go to the British Cycling Federation and see what bicycle clubs are in your area.  I’m sure you’ll find a welcoming band of bikers to suit your confidence and fitness level.

Also, for women that would feel more comfortable in a single-sex group, you should check out Breeze, which is a programme that’s out there to get more women riding.

I dread to think what a men-only version would be called.  Pong?



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